Goodbye 2022 👋 (we won't miss you)
First of all, we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. And to sum up some 2022 results for our team.In January 2022, we had many plans and projects that we dreamed about. But the war took these opportunities away from us. All our work is frozen in Ukraine. But we didn't give up. We looked for opportunities for our team in other countries, and we succeeded. We are very grateful to all the studios and specialists abroad who responded and who allowed us to work and do what we love. This help is very valuable. Thank you!For the sake of the job we love, we learned to work under any conditions, without electricity, without a stable Internet (we rode around Kyiv every morning in search of a spot with electricity), in the subway, under the sound of an air raid. Here we should say thanks to the extraordinary strength and stability of the Ukrainian businesses, which have worked and are working no matter what. So we were able to work in coffee shops and co-working spaces with delicious coffee and food.This year has taught us not to give up, and always try to give 100% of our effort, and sooner or later this will be paid off.Stay strong, keep working
Glory to Ukraine